Kerrie Hope
When you meet Kerrie, the first impression is one of confident competence, which is reassuring to our clients whether she’s greeting them when they walk through the front door or walking them through directions to transmit documentation to us. Since joining Hellam Varon in 2019, she has gained the trust and confidence of staff and clients alike. While she admits to being a quick learner, her greatest strength is that she listens to hear, a skill that helps her give excellent client service.
Prior to Hellam Varon, Kerrie spent 13 years working in sales. Her experience also includes time in an import/export business, helping the accounting team support sales, and giving her a look at both sides of a business system. Her background is rounded out with 5 years as the office manager for an architectural firm and even a short stint in her sister’s CPA firm.
When she is not juggling the many balls at work, Kerrie enjoys spending time with her husband and three grown daughters. Family is number one for Kerrie (just another reason we love how she fits in at Hellam Varon!). A native of Washington, she grew up in the Greenlake area. She and her family take advantage of the many places for boating during the warmer months. And while Kerrie is relatively new to travel, she has set her sights on visiting Europe, Africa, Japan, and…well, let’s just say she wants to travel the world!

The Principia
B.A. in History
Practice Emphasis